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Read What Some of Our Happy Customers Have to Say
March 23rd, 2007 by Scott
Product: Woodworker II
Rating: 5 of 5 stars
THANK YOU! I have received this order with record speed. I was actually able
to use the new Forrest saw blade this weekend. What a treat. I wish all
on-line retailers were as efficient as you are. Keep up the good work. I am
sure that I will be ordering from you again soon. Cheers! Scott
January 13th, 2012 by Ben W.
Product: Woodworker II
Rating: 5 of 5 stars
This is the most accurate, cleanest cutting, sharpest blade I've ever used. I ordered a spare as soon as I used it, so I'll never be without one.
March 11th, 2013 by Bryan R.
Product: WW08407100MM
Rating: 5 of 5 stars
Received my saw blade on 01 Mar 2013. I have been using my Inca table saw for over 30 years and it has never run so quiet. When I first started the saw, with the Forest blade in it, I thought something was wrong because I could actually hear the motor running. Thanks, Bryan